Threads New Updates

Whether you talk about Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter or newly launched Threads, every platform is introducing new features to attract more audience. Every day new features are introduced to social media platforms. Threads, a possible Twitter (X) rival, is now adding new features to make the platform more engaging and interesting. The company continuously takes customer feedback and suggestions and doesn’t waste time adding new features. Mark Zuckerberg, in his latest post on Thread, revealed new updates for the platform. Let’s know about Threads New Updates in detail.

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Threads New Updates: Instagram DM Share 

Many of you are already aware of the fact that Threads is a part of Instagram because Meta has linked both of them. As both were linked, users were expecting the feature of Share To Instagram. In simple words, users want to share the Threads post directly to Instagram. Now the company has introduced this feature. You will get the Instagram Share option once you tap on the share button. You can directly share the Threads post to Instagram DMs using this option.

Threads New Updates: Mention Feature

Everyone knows the importance of the Mention feature. It is the best way to include your friends and relatives in your posts and enjoy social connectivity. Threads, on the other hand, lack this feature. But after this update, you will get the mentioned feature. You can mention the people who have accounts on Threads just like you do on Instagram.

Read More: Whatsapp Screen Sharing Feature Is Here, Know Everything

Custom Alt Text

Custom Alt Texts are very important for Social Media Optimization as it improves organic reach and better engagement. Now Threads will allow you to set Custom Alt Texts for photos/videos, helping your content reach a wider audience. This feature is very important for content creators. Earlier, the company introduced the Your Likes feature, which many users appreciated.


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