google lens

Google Lens will completely change the technology we are using since decades.

In the last years we have seen how information technology (IT) improved, also thanks to the smartphones markets and, it’s quite evident how much it has become dynamic.


Software is designed to execute some concise operation, at least at the beginning.

The more technology improved, the more its software had to adapt to the changes.

If I talk about dynamism, I mean that modern software do not merely execute operation and store data, I talk about something way complex.

I’m talking about software that, in some awesome ways, codes itself.

Yes, they code themselves.

This is just how AI works.

You execute some tasks, the app memorize it to offer you a better experience.

Yes but, what does it matter with augmented reality and Google


Well, AI is just its supporting pillar.

Will Google Lens make a change in the IT we are used to know?

The answare is a loud YES.

Let me explain you something.

We have already seen some types of augmented reality, for example pokemon Go, which uses the camera to locate its little monsters, Snapchat with its face masks which perfectly adapts to our face with some weird algorithms.

This was just the beginning of a new era of technology where everything will be strictly connected to reality.

Google Lens, what’s new with it?

I’ll give you a simple answer:

– It is a mix of artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

Let expand this concept to make you aware of all its power.

Nowadays we know some nice vocal Assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, Bixby, Cortana which use both machine learning and AI to provide us the best experience.

With Lens the experience will be improved much more thanks to the integration of the augmented reality.


Now we are used to search something in the web just like:

“Google foundation year”

This is not how you talk to other people.

Well, with Lens you will do it.

Thanks to the AI it will learn the human language and it will know the perfect answer.

Google will change its way of searching also thanks to this new technology, we will talk with machines like if they were human beings, just like us.

And augmented reality?

Today we know some VR glasses which makes you play games in your room and much more cool stuff, if you do not know them, take a quick view to PIMAX 8K a new generation VR headset and you’ll have your ideas clear!

This new technology by Google will use it with the power of AI, improving it and consequentely, the way to search stuff on the web.

It can already say you the name of all the existing flowers, just framing one with the camera.

google lens


google lens

Yes it will translate, just-in-time, words and sentences, just using the camera.. amazing, isn’t it?


Thanks to AI, machine learning and augmented reality, the technology will be totally changed and improved in a complete different way.

The possibilities are infinite and they will be developed in the next years.

We’ll see some new interesting stuff we have never seen before and that we have never though possible.


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