The search engine industry

Today, if we were to spend any kind of time looking around the internet, we could quickly realize just how big a thing the internet is. You see, we all use the internet for hours every day but we probably don’t notice the kind of transformative change it is having on our society as a whole. For example, are you aware that, since the 1990s and the internet boom, we’ve seen companies form which dwarf just about anything that came before them?

Let’s take a look how big internet companies are today in 2018. It might shock you to see the real-time effect they are having on the world around us – and what it means for the world that we live in today. if you are someone who finds it interesting to see how the world is changing thanks to technology, read on.

Thanks to, you can find it very easy indeed to get a better grasp on the rich changes that technology is bringing to the table. So, what are some of the biggest internet companies today?

Which are the big name decision makers and life changers out there transforming the way in which we live, do business and make things happen?

The search engine industry

The search engine industry

One of the biggest changes is the search engine industry. Obviously, Google is by far and away the biggest name. With a whopping 65m searches in a single hour, this changes everything. In that single hour, you can see as many as 259,000 unique users of their service.

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Even some of the lesser competition, such as Yahoo, still produces over 6.75m searches in that single hour. Baidu, a popular search engine in Asia produces over 24m searches. Given many of us have never seen nor used Baidu, it’s incredible to think that it can produce more than a third of the volume of Google in terms of searches despite having a fraction of the visibility.

Even other search engines such as Yandex (11m searches in an hour) are growing all the time, showing us the immense scale and change in how we find things out. This is probably one of the single biggest changes in the industry and how we do our searching around the world: such solutions make it very easy indeed.

In the past, we would have spent hours combing through library books, newspapers and journals to find out a fraction of what we can online.

Chat and Communication

Another way in which the world has changed is in how we communicate with one another. Back in the day, we would look to make it all happen through working with phone calls, or maybe even e-mail as the 1990s began to mature. However, with over two billion messages sent across WhatsApp in a single hour, it’s safe to say that 2018 brings together a whole new kind of communication that simply did not exist then.

Skype, another big business chat system, can see as many as 124.9m calls made in a single hour. With WhatsApp also producing a whopping 160m+ voice messages in an hour, it’s easy to see why some people just choose to send a message of them saying what they want to say instead of writing it all out.

However, for those of a certain vintage, this would all look very strange from afar. If you see someone taking part in this kind of experience, you might just wonder what they are doing. Well, they are likely talking to their social group on one of the popular messengers like WhatsApp.

Finding Love

The internet has been so revolutionary, it even changes how we find love in this world. Once upon a time, it would take a trip to the local dance hall and no small amount of confidence-building booze before you made that move. Today, though, you just join one of the 1m plus people who find a match on Tinder in a single hour!

You could also be one of the people adding to the 66m swipes taking place in that same hour. While that might make the modern way of finding love sound awfully shallow, it’s quite a change to the world that we know so well. There is a huge transformation in the way in which we talk with one another today, and it has led to a total change in the way that we communicate and then meet up together to take a date a bit further.

Life is all about making the change that you want, when you want. For some help in making the right choices about where your love life *could* go, then you might want to avoid the agony aunt columns in the newspaper and turn to one of the more powerful methods of finding love instead.

Buying and Selling

When we used to have stuff around the house that we wanted to sell, we would often turn to things like car boot sales and flea markets. Now? You just turn to eBay. eBay is the perfect place to start when you have the aim to start making some money, with as many as 10.4m eBay searches taking place in a single hour. Indeed, in a single hour over $10.7m worth of goods will be sold: this shows you the ludicrous scale and growth of the eBay market across the board.

If you want to make a big purchase, you no longer need to head into town. Instead, you could contribute to the $20m+ that Amazon produces in a single hour through sales. It’s one of the single most powerful solutions that you can find, and with the help of Groupon helping to bring in as much as $300,000 in an hour in revenue alone, it’s easy to see that today people are finding deals online instead of heading out to local markets and the like.

So, if you ever look at how you could start bringing in a little bit more money, use the internet. Like so many other industries today, the internet is home to some pretty incredible companies that have played their part in changing the world.

For a more detailed look at how big internet companies have become, take a look at the “Internet in Real Time” live ticker from;


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