playstore sales

Google will give a free paid app a week on the PlayStore, do you like it?

PlayStore, big news about it: the initiative will bring the curators of the Mountain View home to put in the foreground and in special offer every week a new Android software for free, instead of paid.

It is by now time that Google is trying to make it even more succulent his Play Store, and after giving the possibility for developers who work there to practice discounts on its software, here is starting another initiative in the United States: from a few hours in fact, it was inaugurated a section of the digital store designed to promote a free app a week choice and brought to the fore by the curators of the Mountain View home.


As early as February, app makers can groped to spingerne sales practicing temporary discounts on the purchase price, just like with the products on sale. Often, however, such operations are struggling to reach the general public without the proper advertising – whether it’s an ad or an online article that noted the offer. With the app of the week Google takes control of the situation, at once providing visibility to developers who feels worthy and promoting the image of their store by sponsoring quality products.

The first app to enjoy the Google treatment Card Wars, a game inspired by the show Adventure Time broadcast for years on Cartoon Network.

As mentioned, by the time the window is active in the US alone, but it will be extended to other countries soon, it’s just a matter of time.


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